Picturing Tolkien: Essays on Peter Jackson's the Lord of the Rings Film Trilogy

Picturing Tolkien: Essays on Peter Jackson's the Lord of the Rings Film Trilogy - Janice Bogstad,  Philip E Kaveny Picturing Tolkien is a collection of essays from various authors on Peter Jackson's film versions of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. Written by authors in many fields, the essays present a wide range of viewpoints from many different angles, from the challenges of filming Tolkien's non-linear narrative, the treatment of the character of Gandalf, Gollum as ultimate redeemer, the weaponry of Middle Earth, the changes made in Aragorn's character (and his relationship with Arwen) to better fit the American "hero monomyth," to Jackson's use of horses and his portrayal of Lothlorien. Some of the entries I found most interesting were "Gollum Talks to Himself," "Filming Folklore," "The Grey Pilgrim,""Neither the Shadow Nor the Twilight," and "The Rohirrim, the Anglo Saxons and the Problem of Appendix F."